We've all heard of Comfort Eating, well lately I've being doing a lot of Comfort Sewing. Before Christmas I stumbled down some steps and what I thought was a sprained ankle has turned out to be a fractured foot. So now I'm wearing a 'moon boot' and we've had to postpone our trip to Japan. This has meant lots of hand sewing.
I've finished another blue AWS block.
And a couple more in progress...
I've even returned to the very much neglected CCCQ. Sharon has relaunched this quilt to encourage both newbies and recalcitrant oldies like me. Some of the blocks I didn't really fancy so I've been looking for alternatives and luckily Wendy from Legend and Lace has started a new free BOM Red and Green Again. I think this first block fits in perfectly.
Red and Green Again Block #1 |
I quickly prepared Block #25 this morning to take on the bus. I'm using the back basting technique on this block.
You can see here where I'm cheating a bit by widening out some of those narrow inner curves.
I ummed and ahhed over whether to introduce some green into this quilt and I've decided to take the plunge.
I've also completed another medallion for my Value Proposition Quilt. I was saving the fabrics I won from Karen Styles for 'something special' and then decided life's too short just use 'em! I'm glad I did.
Value Proposition Quilt Block #14 |
I've been sewing another block from Sonia's Cheltenham test pattern.
The first block is nearly finished for the Baltimore Bunnies being made by the G'nT Sisters. It almost looks as though that bunny is wearing a 'moon boot' in sympathy ;)
I'm really disappointed that I will miss the Tokyo Quilt a Festival but I'm trying to keep positive. On the plus side I'm grateful for the technological advances of the boot so that I don't have to wear a plaster cast or use crutches; I have time to do a Japanese refresher course; and I might get to see some cherry blossoms.