
Friday, 3 March 2017

17ufosin2017 February update

I don't think I did as much as in January but I'm still going well with the 17ufosin2017 challenge. The GnT Sisters came for a weekend of fun and sewing so it was great to get their help with a couple of layouts.

I finally decided on a layout for the CCCQ and have sewn all 33 blocks together. I want to sew on a sawtooth border to finish it off so still a way to go.

I also used the opportunity to get advice on the layout for my Value Proposition Quilt and achieved consensus.

Don't you love the border fabric I'm using? There was bit of discussion as to which way it should go - tassles hanging out (above) or hanging in towards the quilt (as below) what do you think?

Winterthur Museum John Hewson #5492

I finished the pathways on the last few blocks so now ready to tackle the centre pathways.

I also managed a couple of blocks for the GnT Sisters' still un-named quilt. Now, when I machine piece blocks I don't do any pressing until the block is finished, I find I get better results this way when nesting seams together.

Gussie's Goose Block

Weathervane Quilt Block
Weathervane Block
And I've drawn up the next block, 4 baskets and looking at some fabric possibilities. I'm really enjoying drafting up my own blocks from Sharon's blocks, so that I get the 9" size I want.

Good luck to anyone else in the challenge and thanks for your ongoing encouragement!


  1. Congratulaations on getting this far on your CCCQ.
    Your other blocks are looking lovely also.
    I learned to draft blocks from Rosemary Makhan 13 years ago and have loved that part of quilting ever since.

  2. Chester looks oh so good. You are getting so close to the end of making a quilt top.

  3. Quite busy you are, love the CCCQ, very beautiful.

  4. Oh what a treat for my old eyes this morning to see such beauty in fabric!

  5. All your projects are looking great. I agree with Barbara, tassels in toward the quilt. It will be fabulous when finished!

  6. Love, love your CCCQ - going to be perfect with a sawtooth border! am leaning towards tassels in - just so the plants have their flowers all around the outside. All going so nicely Carole - thanks for sharing :)

  7. Beautiful work as always :)

  8. Such beautiful projects. Your applique is stunning. Hugs, Cathy

  9. Tassels down, and your CCCQ quilt is well done!

  10. You use the fabrics in such beautiful ways. Getting suggestions from your friends is a good thing and always interesting as well.

  11. Your Chester CCQ top is gorgeous and will look stunning with a saw tooth border. Your VPQ looks amazing too

  12. Wow! What a lot of accomplishments this month. Beautiful work! And I'd go with tassles out.

  13. You've done so much! Your CCCQ is beautiful, such a lot of work. What would we do without our friends and their quilting advice?

  14. Lovely work! The sawtooth border is going to look amazing on your quilt.:) And that border fabric is perfect either way!

  15. gorgeous projects on the go...........

  16. Everything looks great and you know I am crazy about the border fabric for Value Proposition. I like the tassels toward the quilt. It is going to be a spectacular quilt when it is done.
    CCCQ is gorgeous and has been on my "to do" list for some time!

  17. I love your CCQ top - great layout and a sawtooth border will look fabulous. What an interesting border fabric - wow!

  18. I had not checked in to your Blogs since early November. You have been a busy girl. Love all the blocks/quilts you have done. Your Blue/Cream AWS is to die for. So beautiful❣Keep the momentum up!
