
Sunday, 14 August 2016

Catching up on Chester

I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel on the Chester County Criswell Quilt and the blocks are good for taking on the bus.

Cgester County Criswell Quilt
CCCQ Block #26

Chester County Criswell Quilt
CCCQ Block #31

Chester County Criswell Quilt
CCCQ Block #30
 I am now sewing one of the more difficult blocks, Block #33, to see the original visit here. There are different ways of tackling this block, I have been using reverse applique so far so good. 

The hardest part has been those little maggots jelly beans around the centre with their tiny inner curves, this quilt has been a doozy for inner curves!

Chester County Criswell Quilt

'Only' a few more blocks to go...but then I'm planning on adding dog tooth sashings so still a way to go yet.



  1. You're making magnificent progress!

  2. I keep thinking that you had finished your Chester blocks but see you are still in the works. Well done, Carole. I only made the first twelve. Someday, I will make the rest.
    Since you have moved, do you still ride the bus to work? Stitching time?

  3. I like the jelly bean term, your blocks are way too pretty to be called maggots! Your work is sensational.

  4. Your blocks are beautiful! Those little maggots are tiny but you wouldn't enjoy the blocks if they weren't challenging. Blessings, Gretchen

  5. Well done with the jelly bean curves they look great Carol :)

  6. Love your work. Very inspiring!

  7. Maggots! I thought of chromosomes when I made mine. Dogtooth sashings will look so good. Can't wait to see your finish, hope to see in in person.

  8. Your blocks are fantastic. I love the fabrics. Hugs

  9. Your blocks look lovely. I saved that one for the final block hoping my skill level would do it justice. It was not a difficult as I had imagined but challenging enough. Your tiny red flowers are adorable. I just did mine straight up reverse applique from one large piece. and those maggots? Maybe they will morph into butterflies.
