
Friday, 31 January 2014

Spotty stems & Flowery leaves

Poor old Auntie has been a bit neglected lately. Luckily Nancy in the USA has started doing this quilt as a BOM. Her recent posts have inspired me to get my AG out and finish off the stems and leaves for the centre top right corner.

Auntie Green's Garden

The stems in this corner are spotty and the leaves are flowery.

Auntie Green's Garden

Nancy is setting a cracking pace and has already completed her centre basket of flowers and the surrounding leaf wreath. There are so many gorgeous WIPs, new projects and finishes in blogland I'm beginning to feel as though I must be a slow sewer. Even though I sew virtually every day I still take months and years to finish anything. Maybe I should start a Slow Sewing Movement, just like the Slow Food Movement - what's your pace like?

Sunday, 26 January 2014

CCCQ #15 Oak Leaf Pinwheel

I have finished block #15 so now I'm only a couple of blocks behind on the CCCQ BOM.

Chester County Criswell quilt
CCCQ block #15

I was going to use this fabric (from Judy Rothermel's Party of Twelve) for the large centre block but I didn't have enough. However I think it really suits this block giving the effect of veins on the oak leaves.

Chester County Criswell quilt

The little flowers are sweet but I'm tempted to give them a contrasting centre.

It would be nice to get another block finished before the next pattern release on the 1st of February but have I got a pattern printed out and if so where is it???

Found the right print and a background square already cut out.

But no pattern and my printer is playing up ....Don't you just hate it when you're all geared up to work on something and you don't have what you need?

Oh well always something else to work on, back to AWS...

Hand piecing AWS block #6

Friday, 24 January 2014

Seeing stars

I'm beginning to discover that there are a lot of pieced stars in the Antique Wedding Sampler quilt.

Here is my latest finished block, 5 stars and appliquéd leaves.

This is how the block will look set on point in the quilt.

AWS block #12
I've finally worked out how to rotate a photo in Picassa to show this. Unfortunately my pics are still not very good as I am still using my iPad mini to take photos. 
I hope all the Aussies get to do some sewing this Australia Day long weekend.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Getting Creative

For the Chester County Criswell Quilt I wasn't a big fan of the original lyre block #11 (sorry Sharon!)
Block #11 - Jane Criswell
 Whilst travelling through Pinterest this block caught my eye...

I really liked this design and it was from a wedding quilt made in 1847, relatively close in time to the CCCQ so I decided to try and reproduce it.

I now have a new found respect for appliqué and quilt designers as I found it quite challenging to draw. Being able to draw anything is a skill I haven't attempted for years.
After sketching it out I traced over it with a black pen.

I then traced out the lyre onto freezer paper and then ironed this to the right side of the fabric, making sure to utilise the stripes in the fabric for the strings (I copied that good idea form Sharon).

I prepared the stems and base separately and chose fabric for the leaves.

I was really happy with the result and I think it will fit in well with the rest of the quilt. I really enjoyed this whole process and appliquéing around shapes and lines I had drawn myself - might have to try more of this!

I'm linking up to Sharon's post this week of CCCQ photos, I'm so glad they could be of 'anything' :)

So glad this week's heatwave is over - it has been a shocker. Number 1 son informed me that Melbourne was the hottest place in the world the other morning! There are still some bushfires of concern in Victoria and South Australia - please keep safe.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Reflecting on 2013

Well, after reading a lot of reflective blogs I have been inspired to post about 2013. At first I was thinking that I had 'only' finished one quilt. Mind you, even though I do say so myself, the Morrell was one major finish!!!

I had completely forgotten about the 'Spot the Caravan' quilt that my sister and I designed and sewed together for the newest member to our extended family.

Smaller projects that I finished included my iPad mini cover made with treasured fabrics that I had purchased in Japan.

I made a scarf earlier in the year for my sister from an Etchings charm pack, she ended up, using it as a runner.

I made her a Bordeaux Berries runner for Christmas (I'll try and be more original for the next gift).

And one in a blue colour way for my brother.

I also made a couple of bird decorations.

and a birdy cushion.

I really liked the way Hilda included her progress on current projects in her reflective post, not just her finishes so I'm copying that good idea and including my 2013 starts and WIPs as well. 
I started The Comfort Quilt early in the year - I was happy to discover that I have made 12 blocks (each block is made up of 8 mini blocks) and only have 4 to go!

Another start was Auntie Green who has been rather neglected lately, though once again I was happy to discover that it was only October when I last worked on her.

And now I'm working on Di Ford's Antique Wedding Sampler (revisited) where I have finished 6 blocks.

I've almost managed to keep up with Sharon's Chester County Criswell Quilt BOM, this has been such fun to make this reproduction quilt along with other bloggers.

CCCQ center block 
Through the CCCQ I also experienced my first online block swap with Wanda in the USA.

I finished all of the blocks for my 12 days of Christmas but sadly didn't finish the whole quilt this year. I actually finished this block last January!

And stitched the four of these keystone blocks...

So after looking back I'm really happy with all of the sewing I have managed to do this year. I've had some great experiences and learnt so much.

I've participated in classes with two fabulous Australian Designers, Di Ford...

...and Irene Blanck

I attended the Melbourne Craft and Quilt Fair in July, the Australasian Quilt Convention in March and Quilts in the Barn (twice!) in September.

I joined two new groups, nationally The Applique Guild of Australia and locally the Friday Threaders Sewing Circle.

I've made great on-line friends and actually got to meet some in person at QITB!

Hilda (Every Stitch) and I

Miriam (Yellow Roses), Sharon (Chester County Criswell Quilt) & me
So fond farewell 2013 I have had a great year and thank you to all who follow or read my blog for your inspiration and encouragement.

ps We are having such a cool summer that we had an open fire last night in our outside BBQ area, it made a nice back drop to the Christmas tree which will be coming down soon. I'm more than happy to have a mild summer as it reduces the bushfire fear factor - my thoughts are with those who have been sweltering in extreme heat in other parts of Australia.