
Sunday, 22 March 2015

I've been very very good :)

I've completed two more blocks for AWS.

Block #22 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited) Di Ford
Block #22 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited)
Not too sure about this block, the broderie perse makes me think of galloping tarantulas (yikes! don't tell my SIL). I spent way too much time fiddling about to keep those 'legs' within the 12 1/2" border. I think this block would have looked better with two differnt fabrics rather than the same green on the inner and outer circles.
Anyway, this is what it looks like on point on my shiny new floorboards (and that's the only thing I'm mentioning about the kitchen this post - please don't ask)

Block #22 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited) Di Ford

I like this sweetheart block better.
Block #17 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited) Di Ford
Block #17 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited)
I really like the fabrics I used for this block.

Detail - Block #17 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited) Di Ford

Detail - Block #17 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited) Di Ford

BUT... the little heart in the middle seems a bit off-centre. Can I live with it? 
Is it noticeable?

Block #17 Antique Wedding Sampler (re-visited) Di Ford

I know I'm too fussy for my own good, perhaps I'll try not looking at it for awhile. At least I'm on track to have all blocks finished by the end of March, only two more to go.

Mustn't let anything else distract me....

...naughty Jane!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

2015 A Lovely Year of Finishes

Well, I certainly hope it will be for me. It seems like such a long time since I have finished a quilt so I've decided to join up with a Lovely Year of Finishes for some motivation.

I certainly have plenty of projects to choose from but the one I really want to get finished is AWS as I think my SIL has given up on it and I've booked it in to be quilted either at the end of the month or early April. Last Sunday I traced and cut out all of the remaining templates that I need for the remaining three blocks.

So this is my goal for March - to finish those four blocks. Darn it,I thought I only had three to go so it's going to be quite a challenge. Wish me luck!

I've been blaming the kitchen renovations for not progressing on AWS, more cabinetry arrived today.

But this has been the real culprit, even the AWS fabric went wandering.

Value Proposition Quilt Block #6

Kaye had put some different fabrics out on sale so I went off to get backing for the VP quilt (ever the optimist for finishing). There wasn't enough of anything I liked on the one bolt so I bought 6 different fabrics and a snazzy little recipe for a pieced back. Thanks Veronique for this great idea.

Now back to AWS!!!