
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Copy cat

I think block #6 is my favourite Antique Wedding Sampler block so far. I just love the way it turned out. I was worried about the inner circle coming out nice and round but it reverse appliqued beautifully.

Antique Wedding Sampler Block #6
Judy has also made this block. I liked the way she used one piece of fabric in the centre rather than broderie perse in the original pattern, so I copied this idea.

Judy's Antique Wedding Sampler Block #6
Isn't it amazing how different they look because of the fabrics and colours that we used.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Pottering about

It's been really nice just pottering about this weekend doing a bit here and there on different projects.I decided not to go to the Appliqué Group day for a number of reasons but mostly I just needed some r & r at home. I was inspired by Christina's beautiful sewing room to have a bit of a tidy up in mine. 

Yay some clear surfaces! This allowed me to do some preparation for AWS. I cut out half a dozen background blocks. I like to use the wavy blade for appliqué backgrounds to prevent too much fraying.

Then I prepared block #6 by putting the pieced circle over a piece of FG fabric and pinning it all down.

Then marking out the appliqué by putting the piecing templates on top and tracing around the external lines. I used a frixion pen for the outside edge.

And my new chalk pen for the inner circle where the fabric is dark.

It was my sister-in-laws birthday the other weekend so I wrapped up the AWS blocks that I've done so far along with the border and sashing fabric to give an idea of what it will be like. I also had Di's book at the ready to show her a photo of the quilt. As it is a significant 0 birthday other family members have contributed to have it it professionally quilted. Well I'm happy to report that she was overwhelmed and there were tears of joy.

And whilst we're on the subject of AWS Judy has finished block #13 - great use of striped fabrics!

My version of this block is currently in my header pic.

So now it's time to 'fess up.
The real reason for tidying my sewing room is that I've started a new project! I know I'm completely bonkers but I've been thinking about Anni Downs' Gossip in the Garden since I saw it on her blog last November. 

Lenora at Elm Grove Patchwork is offering it as a BOM and I love the happy vintage fabrics she is using.
I spend a lot of time working out the fabrics for AWS and Aunty Green so this is like a summer holiday having all the fabrics ready to go. I was going to wait until I'd finished AWS but couldn't resist once I'd opened the squishy package the came in the post last week. I've already finished the first stitchery section of block #1.

I'm already doing so much needle turn with AWS, Aunty Green and the CCCQ I'm wondering whether I should machine appliqué this quilt???

Friday, 14 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

 Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day

Not much sewing this week, just a few more stitches for Sew Laugh Love.

I wish !!!

Sunday, 9 February 2014


Just a quick post to let you know that my family and are I safe after the bushfire in Warrandyte yesterday.

CFA putting out the fire in Warrandyte - ABC image
Thanks to the CFA (Country Fire Authority) app and website we were able to be informed and evacuate relatively quickly. Our home is ok but unfortunately others were lost in the fire - my thoughts are with them and with others who are still under threat in other parts of Victoria. I would like to thank the CFA and all fire fighters involved in saving our town yesterday under the most terrible conditions.

Thank you also to those in blogland who contacted me after seeing news reports of the Warrandyte fire - it meant a lot.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Happy to be a slow sewer

I have reconciled with myself and I'm happy to be a slow sewer :) 
Thanks for all of your encouraging comments on my previous post.

'Bug Balls' by Claire Moynihan 
I'm happy trawling the internet (evidence above!) spending ages making fabric choices, re-doing something I'm not happy with and hand piecing, doing needle-turn appliqué and embroidery.
Antique Wedding Sampler Di Ford
AWS Block #6 in progress
I also love doing all of these things by machine.
Antique Wedding Sampler Di Ford
AWS Block #23 in progress
I was thinking about whether my hand sewing technique was slow. Then it dawned on me this morning, that yes it is my technique - it's called the 'steady as you go whilst sewing on the bus technique'! I often have to pause and steady the needle before I plunge it in. Sometimes if I get to a tricky appliqué spot, like one of the many small inner curves encountered in the CCCQ, I wait until the next bus stop for some stability :D

Anyway, I have had this Leanne Beasley stitchery on the slow simmer for awhile. I  just do a bit here and there, usually when I don't have any hand sewing prepped and ready to take on the bus - which has been the case this week.

'Sew Laugh Love' designed by Leanne Beasley
One advantage of having a number of projects on the go, always something to work on!

I'm linking up to FNWF tonight, I've got no idea what I'll be working on.
 You'll have to wait and see :)