
Monday, 18 February 2013

BOMs Away Monday

Here's the latest progress on some of my quilt projects.
I have finished another block for my Comfort quilt, 
6 down and 10 to go.

Comfort Quilt
Block #6 - Comfort Quilt
I made a scarf out of an 'Etchings' charm pack for my sister for her birthday. I followed this tutorial from the Moda Bake Shop.

I prepped another broderie perse block for my Morrell quilt. I prepared these 'lovebirds' on Valentine's Day because they looked like a romantic couple. This amazing fabric that I had to cut up is called '1840's Birds and Basics' by Harriet Hargrave for P&B Textiles. I'll have to see what else I can create out of the pieces I have left.

Sarah Morrell quilt; broderie perse

And I finished the fourth keystone block for my 12 Days of Christmas quilt.

12 Days of Christmas quilt

Check out the BOMs Away link on the sidebar to see what others have been working on.
Have a great week.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

CCCQ Block #4 'Nancy Smith'

This week I have finished Block #4 for my Chester County Criswell Quilt with a little help from Metro Trains and a bat with malfunctioning sonar. I usually get the bus to work but last Wednesday hubby convinced me to catch the train instead. What would normally be a 40 minute journey turned into 2 and a half hours! Would you believe that apparently a bat flew into the power-lines and caused mayhem to the signals. Luckily I had my sewing with me which kept me sane as we sat between stations not even knowing what was going on but I managed to make a lot of progress on the 'Nancy Smith' block.

Chester County Criswell Quilt

I was completely cheesed off at the time and I won't be in a hurry to get the train again but as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining and this block does rather look like a cloud. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Continuing Comfort

This week I have completed a couple more blocks for my Comfort Quilt.

Leanne Beasley Comfort Quilt
Block  #4

Block  #5
This Summer I have also discovered Pinterest in a big way. I'm still working it out but you can check out my boards from the logo on the right. It's a great way to store favourite pics and links from the internet. I started off with one and now I have  eight boards!
  • Quilts
  •  Embroidery & Stitcheries
  • Red Door Renovations
  • Christmas
  • Sewing Stuff
  • Techniques & Tutorials
  • My Sewing
  • Food

Do you Pinterest?